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Disclaimer: The legal information provided on this site is believed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate and current and is intended to educate visitors about selected aspects of Missouri law, as it impacts Missouri residents. The legal information is summary in nature and does not constitute individualized legal advice upon which site visitors may rely. Because every situation involves different facts, site visitors should consult with an attorney for individualized legal advice and neither take nor refrain from taking action based on materials found here. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.
U.S. residents in states other than Missouri should be aware that while certain legal principles outlined on this site may be similar to principles followed in their own states, laws can vary considerably from state to state.
Neither visiting this site nor exchanging email with this law office will create an attorney-client relationship. Deborah Hooper – Attorney at Law will enter into such a relationship only after meeting with a client, ensuring that no conflict-of-interest exists, and mutually agreeing on essential matters, including scope of representation and fee/expense arrangements. Until we have entered into an attorney-client relationship, any communications to us by a prospective client will not be covered by the rule of law that protects the confidentiality of communications between a client and attorney. Any information sent to by e-mail or through this Website is not secure and is done so on a non-confidential basis.
The laws of other states regarding attorney communications may differ from Missouri's. If the materials on this site do not comply with the laws of another state from which a client seeks legal representation as a result of communications on this site, we will not accept that representation.